SDCE Grey Scale


Product Codes:

  • 3305: Change in Colour (Includes Assessment Mask)
  • 3355: Assessing Staining (Includes Assessment Mask)
  • 3716: Assessment Mask

Testing Categories: Colour Fastness, Dimensional Stability, Physical, Chemical

3305 SDCE Grey Scale for Change in Colour

The grey scale consists of nine pairs of non-glossy neutral grey coloured chips, which illustrate the perceived Colour differences. These give a corresponding fastness rating of 5, 4-5, 4, 3-4, 3, 2-3, 2, 1-2, and 1.

They are used in the assessment of Colour change occurring in fastness tests as described in ISO 105-A02. They are also essential in the grading of light fastness tests when using the Light Fastness Standards.

3355 SDCE Grey Scale for Staining

The grey scale consists of nine pairs of non-glossy grey and white coloured chips which illustrate the perceived depth of staining. These give a corresponding fastness rating of 5, 4-5, 4, 3-4, 3, 2-3, 2, 1-2, 1.

They are used to assess the amount of staining occurring on adjacent undyed fabrics during fastness tests. Their use is described in ISO 105-A03.


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